YG-1 0.3750 in or 9.5250 mm Square Cobalt Hardslick 4 Flute End Mill

Size: 3/8 x 0.375 x 0.375 x 2.156



The Yg-1 Genral Purpose is a Stub length HARDSLICK coated square Cobalt Fine Rougher. It has a single end, and a weldon flat shank. This mill is capable of cutting Steel 20 – 40 HRc,IRON,STAINLESS For further size a specification data, please view the Additional Information Tab

Features and Benefits

Why use Hardslick

Hardslick is TiAlN with an additional coating to add lubricity to the surface. It is good for cutting all steels, stainless and iron. This product comes in with an oily feel as that is the extra lube package added. The only down fall to this product is when applied to HSS or Cobalt tools it tends to make them more brittle. If chipping or fracturing occur please revert to TiN or TiCN.

Advantages to Cobalt

Cobalt is extremly versitile and is used on matirials up to 40HRc as it is 68HRc making it the second toughest substrate. Cobalt can be used on almost all matirials. It should be used when carbide chips or when High Speed wears out quickly. Cobalt performs extremly well on high tensile strength matirials, wear high cutting forces fracture carbide.

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Ships From: ILLINOIS